Tuesday 19 August 2008

Theodore Robinson World's Columbian Exposition painting

Theodore Robinson World's Columbian Exposition paintingMary Cassatt Children on the Shore painting
memory went back no further than the day before; he no longer thought of anything so unattainable as home. Even the end of the march seemed a fanciful thing, beyond all possibility, and what small aspirations he now had were only to endure this one hour, if just to attain the microscopic bliss of ten minutes' rest and a mouthful of warm water. And bordering his memory was ever the violent and haunting picture of the mangled bodies he had seen—when? where? it seemed weeks, years ago, beneath the light of an almost prehistoric sun; try as he could, to dwell upon consoling , sleep—his mind was balked beyond that vision: the shattered youth with slumbering eyes, the blood, the swarming noon.
Then at the next halt, their sixth—or seventh, eighth, Culver had long ago lost count —he saw Mannix lying beside a jeep-towed water-cart at the rear of his company. O'Leary was sprawled out next to him, breath

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