Tuesday 16 September 2008

Jean Francois Millet The Gleaners painting

Jean Francois Millet The Gleaners paintingJacques-Louis David Napoleon crossing the Alps paintingJoaquin Sorolla y Bastida Children on the Beach painting
The Balance: A Yarn of the Good Old Days of Broad Trousers and High Necked Jumpers," Georgian Stories 1926, ed. Alec Waugh, Chapman & Hall, London, 1926.
"A House of Gentlefolks," introduced as "The Tutor's Tale" in The New Decameron: The Fifth Day, ed Hugh Chesterman, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1927. London, January 1932.
"Too Much Tolerance," no. 7 in a series of "The Seven Deadly Sins of To-Day," John Bull, 21 May 1932.
"Excursion in Reality," first published as "An Entirely New Angle," Harper's Bazaar, New York, July 1932, and as "This Quota Stuff: Proof That the British Can Make Good Films," Harper's Bazaar, London, August 1932.
"Incident in Azania," Windsor Magazine, December 1933.
"Bella Fleace Gave a Party," Harper's Bazaar, London, December 1932, and Harper's Bazaar, New York, March 1933.
"Cruise," Harper's Bazaar, London, February 1933.
"The Manager of 'The Kremlin,'" for a series of "Real Stories—by Famous Authors," John Bull, 15 February 1930.
"Love in the Slump," first published

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