Friday 21 November 2008

Guercino St Augustine

Guercino St AugustineGuercino St Francis with an Angel Playing ViolinMonet Monet The Waterlily PondGuercino St Marguerite
You have no chance," said Griphook flatly. "No chance at all. If you seek beneath our floors, a treasure that was never yours –"

   "Thief, you have been warned, beware – yeah, I know, I remember," said Harry. "But I'm not trying to get myself any treasure, I'm not trying to take anything for personal gain. Can you believe that?"
   "Wand-carriers," repeated Harry: The phrase fell oddly upon his ears as his scar prickled, as Voldemort turned his thoughts northward, and as Harry burned to question Ollivander next door.    "The right to carry a wand," said the goblin quietly, "has long been contested between wizards and goblins."
   The goblin looked slantwise at Harry, and the lightning scar on Harry's forehead prickled, but he ignored it, refusing to acknowledge its pain or its invitation.

   "If there was a wizard of whom I would believe that they did not seek personal gain," said Griphook finally, "it would be you, Harry Potter. Goblins and elves are not used to the protection or the respect that you have shown this night. Not from wand-carriers."

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