Wednesday 25 March 2009

Guido Reni Cleopatra

Guido Reni CleopatraGuido Reni Reni CharityFrancois Boucher The Setting of the SunFrancois Boucher The Rest on the Flight into EgyptFrancois Boucher The Rape of Europa
But he said that if ever I was in– ‘
‘Did I just say scram, friend?’
‘Yes, but–’
The door in the fence opened a fraction. A small pale face poked out.
‘We queue. And stay there!’
Victor stared at him. He stared at the gate. He looked at the long line of dispirited people.
‘Um, no,’ he said. ‘I don’t think so. Thanks all the same.’
‘Then beat it!’
Victor gave him a friendly smile. He walked to the end of the fence, and followed it. It turned, at the far end, into a narrow alley. need a troll and a coupla humans,’ it said. ‘One day, usual rates.’ The gate shut again. The man straightened up and cupped his scarred hands around his mouth. ‘Right, you horrible lot!’ he shouted. ‘You heard the man!’ He ran his eyes over the line with the practised gaze of a stock breeder. ‘You, you and you,’ he said, pointing. ‘Excuse me,’ said Victor helpfully, ‘but I think that man over there was actually first in the–’ He was shoved out of the way. The lucky three shuffled in. He thought he saw the glint of coins changing hands. Then the gatekeeper turned an angry red face towards him. ‘You,’ he said, ‘get to the end of the

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