Wednesday 8 April 2009

Jean-Honore Fragonard Cephale et Procris

Jean-Honore Fragonard Cephale et ProcrisEdgar Degas DancerWilliam Beard So You Wanna Get Married
fire! Hah?'
The dark forests of his eyebrows wrinkled as it became apparent that Rincewind wasn't immediately ready to hurl vengeful magic at the invaders.
'Hah?' he insisted,Rincewind turned to Conina, who was leaning on the rail examining her fingernails.
'You'd better get on with it,' she said. 'That's fifty green fires and hot leads to go, with a side order for blisters and scorpions. Hold the mercy.'
'This sort of thing is always happening to me,' he moaned.
He peered over the rail to what he thought of as the main floor of the boat making a mere single syllable do the work of a whole string of blood-congealing threats.'Yes, well, I'm just - I'm just girding my loins,' said Rincewind. 'hat's what I'm doing. Girding them. Green fire, you want?''Also to make hot lead run in their bones,' said the captain. 'Also their skins to blister and living scorpions without mercy to eat their brains from inside, and-’The leading canoe came alongside and a couple of grapnels thudded into the rail. As the first of the savers appeared the captain hurried away, drawing his sword. He stopped for a moment and turned to Rincewind.'You gird quickly,' he said. 'Or no loins. Hah?'

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