Thursday 8 January 2009

Andy Warhol Flowers Yellow, Lilac, Purple

Andy Warhol Flowers Yellow, Lilac, PurpleAndy Warhol Flowers Red 1964Andy Warhol Flowers 1970Andy Warhol Flowers 1964
After 30 years of extensive research, which we assume involved spiking the punch bowls at many a family reunion and studying the shenanigans as they unfold, scientists in Western Australia have concluded that most babies born to first others.
If you're wondering why they felt the need to conduct this study in the first place, it's because the practice is remarkably common, at least by most standards, in that part of the world.
In Western Australia, there are at between first cousins, and many more throughout the world (we're awhile a nerd from Lambda Lambda Lambda can steal the starting quarterback's woman, but more often than not you're going to end up being the Duckie to some pretty boy's Andrew McCarthy.
Well we've got good news, Poindexter. Despite lacking the social skills and rugged good looks of your athletic counterparts, it turns out that chicks really do dig brains over brawn.looking at you, West Virginia), making this research essential if we're ever to thwart any X-Men-style mutant uprising that could result.#1.Jocks Get All the GirlsThe Conventional WisdomIf we can learn anything from countless classic 80s movies and television shows, it's that rich kids and jocks get all the girls. Oh sure, every once in
At least, that's what this study has concluded. As it turns out

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