Sunday 11 January 2009

Claude Monet Mountains at l'Esterel

Claude Monet Mountains at l'EsterelClaude Monet Mill near ZaandamClaude Monet Meadows at Giverny
Turns out that intelligent people are generally healthier than their less-clever peers — studies have shown that brainiacs are, for instance, less likely to suffer from heart disease and Alzheimer's. Scientists have suggested that smart people may score less stressful jobs in safer places and that they may make better lifestyle choices, for instance by exercisingtraits, so the genes involved in smarts may somehow improve sperm quality — and perhaps other characteristics as well.
This could help explain, then, why intelligence can be so sexy: It could simply be an indicator that a person has a lot of good genes and traits, says study co-author Geoffrey Miller, a psychologist at the University of New Mexico. more and eating better. In other words, maybe bright people actually listen to the Surgeon General.But these newest findings, to be published in an upcoming issue of the journal Intelligence, found that negative habits had little effect on sperm quality, so they don't support that theory.The researchers instead speculate that intelligence might be passed down as part of a larger package of good attributes. One gene can influence multiple

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